Selasa, 24 Jun 2014

Making a Career Decision


Step One: Reaching a Decision-Making Point

A decision-making point is reached when you feel ready or required to make an important career decision. How do you feel about making this career decision? Take a moment now to write down your Positive and Negative Emotions.
Were you able to put down any positive emotions – like excited, curious, interested? Are you feeling only negative emotions – like overwhelmed, confused, anxious? It’s okay to have some anxiety when making this decision as it can be a positive motivator to taking action, like working through the exercises in this workbook or taking a career planning workshop. However, if the negative feelings are too high or debilitating, then it may be time to see a career counsellor to help you deal with your emotions.

Step Two: Researching

Part One – Self

The career search has been called “both an inside and an outside job.” The inside component is understanding yourself, or self research. The process of researching yourself involves considering where you want your occupation to fit into your lifestyle; determining which values, skills, and interests you want to satisfy in your educational program or in your future occupation; and assessing what your temperament or personality style is like and how this will be expressed in your working role. Be aware though, that not all of your personal dimensions can be expressed or satisfied by your work. Some of your interests, skills, and so on will need to be satisfied in other life roles. You will need to consider which parts of you will be expressed in your educational program or at work and which parts of you will be used in your leisure role, volunteer work, or with your family. Notice, though, that there is a two-way arrow between your Career Criteria and your Lifestyle Criteria, indicating that different dimensions can be switched between your work role and your other life roles as you desire.

Part Two – Career

Once you have determined your career criteria, then you can go shopping, so to speak. Go shopping to determine the choices available in educational programs, occupations or employment positions, depending on where you are in making a career decision. This will mean generating a number of different alternatives. How many occupational titles do you think you could give, right now? Think of all the occupations you know! Most people could name between twenty-five to fifty titles. Since there are over 25,000 different occupations out there you are probably not aware of a number of opportunities that could be very suitable for you. After you generate some possible options then you need to do some thorough research to make sure you understand clearly what each of the options involves. Research can be done in a variety of ways and while you are doing this research, you will probably already start on the next step.

Step Three: Evaluating Alternatives & Making a Decision

At some point you will begin to compare the options with the criteria that you have determined are necessary for making a satisfying choice. You will be shown a strategy for evaluating alternatives, which involves using both a rational, logical method and an intuitive, subjective level of decision-making. After you have evaluated your options you will be ready to make a decision. Your decision may be to review whether or not you want to make this decision right now or to do more research if you are not happy with one of your options.
If some of your options are suitable then you may be ready to choose, but don’t choose just one option! In career planning it is always important to have more than one choice – more than one choice of an educational program, more than one choice of an occupational area, and more than one choice of an employment offer. Why is it important to have more than one choice - because of the uncertainty of the future. We can never predict exactly what will be the demand for the educational program that you wish to enroll in or how the job market will be when you graduate. So you need a back up plan, just in case things don’t work out, or if, in time, you find that you don’t like your first choice as much as you had thought you would, then you have a second choice to consider. Try to have three or four alternatives at each decision-making point.

Step Four: Taking Action

In this step, action is taken by implementing one of your choices; however, no decision is without risk or some element of the unknown. This is a time to test out your choice to see if it meets up with your expectations. If not, then you can always go to your contingency plan.
It can be helpful during this phase to develop an Action Plan with goals and a timeline, so that you can monitor your progress and be clear on the steps to take. You could anticipate some obstacles or roadblocks that may develop and find ways to deal with these if they do arise. Also, it can be helpful to consider the resources and support that you will have to call upon while carrying out your action plan.

Step Five: Reviewing the Decision

Remember that your decision has not been written in stone, it can be changed and altered as is necessary. Periodically it is good to step back and review whether or not you feel that the choice you made is still the best one for you. This could be done after six months into a new educational program or after six months on a new job. You may have new information or because of your experiences, you may have a different perspective. You do have options and alternatives.
© Sharon D. Crozier, 2001
#calonsimpananmahuposting 2014

Selasa, 17 Jun 2014

Buku Menarik Tuk Tatapan

Pengalaman Iv di SMI Al-Amin Bestari d’merlimau

Kadang2 pening fikirkan pasal tiada kekosngan untuk jawatan kaunseling di sekolah sampai kami full throttle kaunselor sume jadi calon simpanan.alhamdulillah. aku akan terus bersabar menunggu sinar berita gembira dari pihak kpm dan spp. Tapi jadik masalah bile ade sore sumbang neh yang xfaham2 asik tnye ble posting and bg pandangan jd ckgu pun skg ssah nk keje..kdang2 nek pening and muntah nk explain smpai aku amik tips member aku just cakap doa kan saye posting cepat respon neh kan. Kalau ade yang bermasalah dalam jodoh leh gune ayat neh gak kot.doa kan saye cpat dapt rezeki kawin.hehehe. selain itu aku amalkan kosep A,B,C,D dan E. Act Before Critique Destroy Entire life of yours. Heheh poyo..mksudnye bagi aku bertindak lah sebelum orang memberi pandangan negetif atau mempersendekan kau.carik kerja buat due tige kerja. Sebenarnya kite dalam bidang pendidikan neh untung.leh jadi ckgu ganti,pensyarah sementare, kontrak ngn ckgu skolah swasta. Pastu leh wat tuisyen. Yang mane ak dalam proses nak sibukkan diri dengan bidang pendidikan sambil menunggu sinar posting.Insyallah.#Melake ad keje
 Terasa nak ceritakan sedikit berkenaan dengan pengalaman temuduga sebagai guru di Sekolah Menengah Islam Al-Amin d’Merlimau. Pengalaman yang menarik. Untuk siapa2 yang ade crik panduan untuk iv kat sekolah ini aku bg sedikit proses temuduga kat situ. Baru tad aku iv sebenarnye.heheh
3 sesi.                                                                                                           
1) Temuduga dengan pengetua dan gpk.(kite seorang je) 40 ke satu jam.
2) Microteaching 20 minit.
3) Bacaan Al-Quraan 2 surah(xde hafazan)
Pengetua seorang yang baik tapi banyak menguji kita dari segi
1)soalan situasi.xde teori.
3)soal bacground agama dan penglibatan kemasyarakatan.
Yang nak datang tu please ingat balik program2 berkenaan agame yang korang pergi ngn khidmat masyarakat.dalm borang siap tanye tahap bacaan al-quraan anda..                                                                        
Best, bile buat microteaching ngn budak sekolah situ terasa semangat nak mengajar kerana rata-rata pelajar memberi respons positif berkenaan isi pelajaran yang mereka dah 4 5 bulan lepas belajar.Mean masuk la dalam kepala pelajar. Aku ajar subjek sejarah mase tu. Neh lebh kurang macam iv untuk guru mrsm kalau siapa2 ade pengalaman tu Cuma aku mase tu trial tu kaunselng. Yang dekat sekolah al amin neh aku trial tuk guru matapelajaran.
#calonsimpananmahuposting 2014           

Sabtu, 14 Jun 2014

Warning: Getting Calls From a +224 Number? Do Not Answer

There seems to some kind of ‘scam’ going on with a certain call on your mobile, which when answered deducts Rs.45/minute(~$1) from your talktime balance. The said calls are reported from the following numbers +22455104323 and +22455104324. There have been total 3 reported cases so far of the call, 2 of which resulted in talktime deduction and the third was not answered. Though #missedcallscam was trending in Twitter Mumbai today but it was the same tweet getting RTed, so not much of a chaos.
The number which might look like a Mumbai number on the first look, given the 022 STD code, actually is an 11 digit international number and resonates with the African country Guinea that has calling code of +224 and the country follows a 8 digit standard phone number.
At this moment there is no certainty as to what this number is and if this is true or rumor. In case you get a call and you have no relatives in that little African country, avoid answering it.
A random search revealed some forum discussing this number for past couple of months but no case of balance deduction was reported.